Audun Myskja deltok i TEDxArendal under Arendsalsuka 2013. Han har i mange år jobbet som lege på blant annet sykehjem, og under TEDxArendal fortalte Myskja om resultatene han har sett etter å ha brukt musikk i miljøbehandlingen. Hans arbeid er noe av det som danner grunnlaget for opplæringsprogrammet Musikkbasert miljøbehandling.
Innlegget heter “Music-based caregiving – a new method for dementia and elderly care: Audun Myskja TEDxArendal”
Writer, author, musician and Ph.D. of Medicine. Audun Myskja has over thirty years experience with working and researching within the field of integrated medicine. Audun has been a strong and important voice in the traditional academic setting, seeking to create simple practice-based methods to connect science and the fields of the common human experience, expanding the context of traditional Western medicine. He is especially known for innovative use of musical elements in rehabilitation of dementia and Parkinson patients, and for creating systematic tools for empowerment in persons with chronic illness. His presentation will show how song, dance and music can give therapeutic aid in dementia care.
He is also working with our program about music-based caregiving.
This is from his presentation at TEDxArendal in 2013.